River Boat Rousers
Very Limited Supply
Stop and listen a while. Let us take you back to music of a by-gone era performed by a truly unique group - The Great "Sacramento Banjo Band". This, the first CD of the original banjo band in Northern California, is dedicated to the revival and promotion of America's only native instrument. This non-profit organization further dedicates itself to the handicapped children of the community by donating its revenue for musical instruction and therapy. The individual players come from all walks of life and represent a wide variety of vocations; all share one burning avocation - to play a banjo.
Join us then as we take you back on a musical voyage to the days of the old steamboats that traveled up and down the inland waterways. Close your eyes, lean back and you can almost hear the boat whistle and the sound of the paddle wheel. Imagine a warm summer night in June on the Mississippi, the moon and the lights of a town reflected on the water. Listen to the zest and sparkle of the banjos as they liven up the evening from the sombre, stately tones of Franz Liszt's "Liebestraum" to the brightness and sheer exuberance of "Nobody's Sweetheart Now"... here is music that will keep your foot tapping and make your heart lighter.
The Songs
Bill Bailey
Beer Barrel Polka
Up A Lazy River
Nobody's Sweetheart Now
Twelfth Street Rag
Bye-Bye Blues
Waiting For the Robert E. Lee
St. Louis Blues
Tiger Rag
Musical Directors
Dick Surryhne
Ned Poffinbarger
Sacramento Banjo Band Musicians
Leon Kawin
Charles Keeley
Scott Krumm
Frank King
Henry Lea
Eddie Macedo
Peter Maronziu
Quentin Martin
Joe Modica
Pete Norcia
Freddie Offenback
Frank W. Owen
Joe Pabst
Frenchy Peltier
Ned Poffinbarger
Don Schumacher
Ed Ringle - bass
Robert Scott
Dick Surryhne
Will Tallackson
Charlotte Thornhill
Lee Thornhill
Bob Wharton
Barney White
Agnes Wible
George Wunderlich
Walt Baker
Ed Baldocchi
Denny Barnard
Check Belt
Elbert Bidwell
Ray Boeklin
B.B. Burkhart
John Catiller
Gene Clark - tuba
Ted Cover - bass
Russ Crase
Art Dahl
Hilly Dalzell
Mike Doneen
Fred Dosch
Bob Duggan
King Feder
Art Fonda
William Fox
Robert F. Funk
Jack Furlong
Liz Giordano
Louis Graff
Arleigh Gundlach
Dee Harper
Anita Hazen