When things go wrong, don’t panic. The solutions to GigBook problems are generally pretty simple.

Additional Notes: Don’t be afraid to click on things in DDGigBook to see what occurs. That’s how I learned all I know now about using this app. About the only thing that cannot be immediately fixed is if you Delete a tune. Even that is pretty easy to fix as long as you have access to WiFi & your Dropbox Folder. If you accidentally Remove a tune, just find the tune in your All Scores view, either by scrolling, or more quickly by Searching, and follow the steps you learned in Lesson 2 to put it back into the set list. When you have a bit more time, you can move it back into its proper order, using what you learned in Lesson 3. Remember, when you add tunes to a set list, each new tune will be placed at the bottom of the list.

Practice these techniques: Truly, the most annoying for most users is when your screen won’t respond, especially if it happens during a gig. Practice using the Home button to close out the GigBook app and restart it, as described above, steps 3-5. If you practice this, and the use of Search, when you don’t need it, you will be able to do this quickly and easily when needed.

A couple of extra notes about when Search doesn’t seem to work; First, practice when it isn’t needed. Second, be absolutely certain you are searching for a tune in All Scores view. The uppermost left side icon “GB” will be blue, and the top of your screen will say “All Scores.” If you are within a set list or binder, (we’ll get to Binders and the Binder/Set List differences and usage in a future lesson) you will NEVER find a tune that is not IN that binder or set list. One of the most useful mind-tools you can use is to equate GB to a paper binder. If you have a paper folderr of your current set list, but have not put a particular tune into that paper folder, you will not find it there. But if you look in a binder that contains All your tunes, you will find it. Placing a tune from All Scores into a GB Set List is the equivalent of making a copy of your paper tune to place it into the paper set list folder.

If anyone has a question that is not answered here, please don’t hesitate to send me an email by clicking this “ Ask me.” link.